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River Region Impact 2024 Sept
71 Clients
64 Pregnancy tests
59 Ultrasounds
57 Plan to parent
4 Women changed their decision to abort after seeing her baby's ultrasound!
177 Follow ups
19 Bibles
7 Professions of Faith in Jesus Christ
52 Gospel Presentations
Since 12/27/2016
7431 Total Clients seen
6628 Pregnancy Tests
6054 Ultrasounds
16,767 Follow-ups
376 Women decided not to abort after
seeing their baby on ultrasound
3548 Gospel Presentations
379 Professions of faith in Jesus Christ
Tuscaloosa Impact
(Since 3/9/2023)
149 Clients
117 Pregnancy tests
86 Ultrasounds
99 Plan to parent
314 Follow ups
14 Bibles
60 Gospel Presentations
2 Woman connected to local church
Birmingham Impact 2024 Sept
63 Clients
52 Pregnancy Tests
32 Ultrasounds
41 Plan to Parent
3 Women changed their decision to abort after seeing her baby's ultrasound!
183 Follow-ups
5 Bibles
3 Profession of Faith in Jesus Christ
37 Gospel Presentations
Since 2/12/2020
1609 Total Clients seen
1397Pregnancy tests
1008 Ultrasounds
4202 Follow-ups
81 Women decided not to abort after seeing their baby on ultrasound
884 Gospel Presentations
111 Professions of faith in Jesus Christ
We believe in her.
So, we are going to her.
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Young women aren't always
_given the full picture.
As a non-denominational Christian pro-life organization we want to give them that full picture.
We believe that picture is clear and filled with hope.
So, we are bringing it
directly to them.
Get involved... We can only accomplish this together.
Become a monthly donor and change the lives of multiple mothers and children EVERY month.
Be trained to provide support, love, and knowledge to women battling fear, referring her to hope.
Please email Robyn at for the application, or click the button above to download.
Reports & Newsletters
Check out our reports and newsletters, dating back to the beginning of Life On Wheels!
We are serving women in Montgomery, Elmore, Autauga, Jefferson, and Tuscaloosa counties!
Check out our schedule tab to see our locations,
or call us on one of our mobile units:
Montgomery: 334-202-4994
Birmingham: 205-484-7660
Tuscaloosa: 659-228-2630
Life On Wheels is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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