Executive Committee:

Dr. Matthew E. Phillips, MD
President of the Board
Dr. Matthew Phillips is a board certified obstetrician and gynecologist in the Montgomery area, working as a provider for OB/GYN Associates of Montgomery. He holds offices in both Montgomery and Prattville in addition to serving as medical director of the Selma/Dallas County Sav-A-Life Pregnancy Center. As evidenced by his work, life is a passion for Dr. Phillips, and he cares deeply for the heart of the mother. His desire to reach women with life led him to form Life on Wheels as an avenue through which to reach even more mothers with hope. He and his wife Camille have four children and attend Young Meadows Presbyterian Church in Montgomery.

Price Bishop
Vice President of the Board
Price Bishop is currently the President and CEO of Jim Bishop Cabinets, Inc., while also serving as a deacon at Trinity Presbyterian Church as well as being a member of The Board of Trustees of Trinity Presbyterian School. Mr. Bishop identifies as passionately pro-life because he believes the legalization of abortion to be one of the greatest downfalls of man. His passion, therefore, is to educate those who may not know the long term effects of abortion in a safe and loving environment.

Roger Teel, Jr
Treasurer of the Board
Roger Teel is a commercial banker and currently serves as Vice President of Business Banking at
Trustmark Bank in Montgomery. He also serves as a deacon and usher at First Baptist Church
Montgomery. Mr. Teel believes God forms and knows the child before birth, so the safety of the unborn
should be among our highest priorities.

Mary Ann Gould
Secretary of the Board
Mary Ann Gould is a dedicated member of the pro-life community. She is currently a Coordinator for 40daysforlife Montgomery, a local Catholic pro-life ministry dedicated to making a difference in the community and standing up for the sanctity of life. She has volunteered with pro-life organizations for years, and attends Our Lady Queen of Mercy Catholic Church. Mrs. Gould is currently developing an event planning business, and is married with four children.
Pregnancy Center Representatives:
Maria Ansaldi, MD

Dr. Maria Adela Ansaldi serves as COPE Pregnancy Center representative on the Board. Dr. Ansaldi was born in Córdoba, Argentina. She received her medical degree from the National University of Córdoba (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), Argentina. She completed her Pediatric Residency at “Hospital Infantil Municipal” in Córdoba. Dr. Ansaldi, moved with her husband (Dr. Gerardo S. Gonzalez and four kids) to Montgomery in 2007. She is an active member of Holy Spirit Catholic Church, actually serving in the Respect Life Ministry and Youth Ministry. She has volunteered her services at COPE Pregnancy Center and has been trained as a Sidewalk Advocate for Life. She also volunteers her time at her children’s school (Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School), serves on the Life on Wheels bus and participates in the 40 Days for Life Campaigns. Dr. Ansaldi enjoys reading, cooking, traveling with her family and singing with The Montgomery Chorale. She firmly believes in the words of Pope John Paul II: “You are called to stand up for life! To respect and defend the mystery of life always and everywhere, including the lives of unborn babies, giving real help and encouragement to mothers in difficult situations. You are called to work and pray against abortion.”

Gwendolyn Bradley
Gwendolyn Bradley serves as the River Region Pregnancy Center representative on the Board. Mrs. Bradley is the National Day of Prayer Task Force Network Assistant and the National Area Leader of The Southeastern States (AL, FL, GA! MS, SC, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands). She diligently serves along side her husband, Bishop Willie L. Bradley, as the Executive Pastor of Anointed Remnant International Ministries in Prattville, Alabama. She is recognized as a Global Strategic Intercessor and her dedication to the ministry of prayer has been featured on several media outlets. Gwendolyn also serves as Treasurer for Prattville Christian Ministers Association and served for 10 years on the Board of Directors for River Region Pregnancy Center, Prattville.
Community Leaders:

Ed Gannon
Ed Gannon has traveled the globe and served as a missionary for various organizations in 25 countries. Mr. Gannon resides with his family in Hardaway, AL, and holds a real estate license with Carlson Land Services. He is also the owner of The Vintage Olive store in Montgomery, AL. and is a former Board member of River Region Pregnancy Center as well as Friendship Mission Homeless Centers, where he continues to lead weekly Bible studies. As a firm believer that life is sacred, Mr. Gannon believes that education, tangible care like LOW, and the love of Christ best reach women in crisis pregnancy situations.

Rev Deacon Dolly McLemore
Reverend Dollene McLemore is a long-time pro-life advocate. She has served as a pregnancy center director and written abstinence curriculum for youth in middle and high school. She has received federal grants to teach abstinence education and is a certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor. Dollene has served as a volunteer counselor and board member of First Choice Women’s Medical Center in Montgomery. Dollene and her husband, Jack, attend Christchurch Montgomery where she leads the Anglicans for Life Chapter and has organized Sanctity of Life services. Dollene is passionate about leaving a pro-life legacy to her 3 children, 6 grandchildren and her community in the hopes they will fearlessly stand for the Lord Jesus Christ in their generations. Dolly is the Board representative for First Choice Women's Pregnancy Center.

Brian Espy
Brian Espy's idea was the catalyst for bringing Life on Wheels into existence. Brian was instrumental in raising the money for the Montgomery ICU Mobile Unit by organizing the first Gala. Brian continues to support Life On Wheels and has a vision to expand services across the state and beyond. Brian and his wife Kristy have three children and are members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church. Brian is also a member of Knights of Columbus Council 12011 who also support Life On Wheels.

Pastor Shane Russell
Shane is the Lead Pastor of Shoal Creek Baptist Church in Deatsville, AL. After graduating from Auburn
University with a degree in Forestry, Shane began working with Mid-State Wood. In May 2003 he earned
a Master of Divinity Degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Upon graduation, the Lord
called the couple to the First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Georgia where Shane served as the Young
Married and Discipleship Pastor. Shane and his wife, Shannon, have been with Shoal Creek since May
2006. They have four sons and one daughter: Clayton, Canon, Carson, Caden, and Camryn.

Judy Barranco
Judy has been a member of the Montgomery community for over 40 years. She and her husband, Mike, have six children and four grandchildren. They attend Holy Spirit Catholic Church. After graduating from Florida State University her professional careers included Children’s Clothing design and Professional Photography.